News > Life After Hymers
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Well done, Antonia!

Antonia completed a BSc in Chemistry at Hull University. More...

Chris on the day of his 'Passing Out' at BRNC.

Guest of honour, Prince Charles, was present at Chris' passing out parade More...

Despite his recent retirement, Jeff remains very active in Freemasonry both locally and in London More...

Andy Oliver, OH 2003-05

Starting with an Engineering role in an F1 Team, Andy Oliver (OH 2003-05) is now living in Australia and Head of Strategic Partnerships at Aerobond More...

Amelia Thacker, OH 2007-17, graduated in Earth Sciences from Durham University More...

When your job title is the Head of Media at Bristol Rovers Football Club... You've got our attention! More...

Mark with Mr Sutton in November 1990

Mark Healey (OH 1986-92) has completed his Open University course in Computing More...

Philip on his return to school

Philip Beasley, OH 1988-98 spoke about his career since leaving Hymers More...

Amelia back at school

Amelia Simmons, OH 2012-21, spoke about her first year at university More...

Tim with his family

Tim Wooldridge, OH 1985-95, recently celebrated his delayed graduation in Technology Management More...

Michael Bridger, OH 1950-57

Michael Bridger's (OH 1950-57) whole life has been involved with music, starting with his decision to include Music in his O level choices More...

Bowler Rob Gainer

Cricketer Rob Gainer (OH 2001-11) has gained global success with his bowling More...

Jonathan Pycock (OH 1968-78) specialises in equine reproduction More...

Photography of a new Formula E livery by Leo Francis, OH 1986-96

Photographer for Red Bull, Leo Francis attended Hymers from 1986 to 1996 More...

Colin ensuring the bell rope can be reached

Colin Egan (OH 1970-75) returned to talk to the Biology Society More...

Will Hairsine (OH 1992-97) attended school to deliver an assembly to our Senior School students More...

Front cover

Sebastian Page (OH 1992-98) wins $50,000 prize on U.S. History More...

Rob at work

Rob Dalziel (OH 2001-11) is now a Senior Ecologist specialising in Ornithology More...

Richard Houlton, pictured meeting HM The Queen

Richard Houlton (OH 1956-64) met HM The Queen when she opened the arena in 1987 More...

Alfred Morris, OH 1952-57

As High Sheriff, Alfred Morris met the Queen at all events that she attended in Gloucestershire More...

Pat Conn OBE (OH 1951-59)

Pat Conn (OH 1951-59) received his OBE Military Investiture from the HM The Queen More...

The opening of Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Her Majesty opened Chesterfield Royal Hospital and met with the Medical Director and Old Hymerian, Christopher Day. More...

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