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Reconnecting Ties with Hymers

A trip down memory lane for Rohit Mohan, OH 2010-2020 and Agi Bragadeesh, OH 2011-2020
6 Aug 2024
Written by Jane Kirkby
OH News
Rohit and Agi and Class mates who acheived 7 As in GCSE exams in 2018
Rohit and Agi and Class mates who acheived 7 As in GCSE exams in 2018

The Development Office staff had the pleasure of meeting Rohit Madhan Mohan, OH 2010-2020 and Agathiyan (Agi) Bragadeesh, OH 2011-2020 during the summer holidays.

Rohit originally contacted the Development Office wishing to purchase ten Old Hymerian ties. He had recently connected with fellow Old Hymerians whilst studying at Cambridge, alongside a few recent school leavers who will be starting their Cambridge journey this year. They will all soon be sporting an Old Hymerian tie to represent Hymers at upcoming events! 

Rohit was back in Hull and took us up on the offer of a tour of the school when he popped in to collect the ties. Having started with the Development Office at the end of July, this allowed Jane Kirkby, our new Alumni Engagement Officer, a chance to take a tour of the school herself. Joined by Agi, they had a trip down memory lane. Not much had changed in the few years they had both been away, and memories popped up as they went from room to room. Aided by a phone and instant access to pictures, they shared snapshots, fond memories, and stories. Whilst visiting old form rooms Agi recalled lessons with Dr Bennett (Maths teaching staff and Head of Lower School) and credits her as having a huge influence on his chosen career path.

Rohit will be going into his 5th year at the University of Cambridge, continuing his study of Medicine whilst he decides his area of speciality, while Agi has just completed his degree in Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Oxford. He will now be working at Arm in the Software Engineering Department. 

Many thanks to you both for your visit and we hope to see you and the ties at future events!

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